Our People

Our People. Our best investment.

Cameron Harrison isn’t Australia’s largest or most well-known wealth management firm. We like it this way. As a client, you’ll get to know the same three people assigned to your portfolio rather well. Most importantly, they will get to know you. Every one of our clients has a dedicated investment team made up of complementary skills.

We have an obsession with detail without apology, it’s what makes us different. In a quiet way, building trust and confidence is about attending to the detail. Over time this creates quality peace of mind for investments, clients, and friends.

Grey hair has value here, we photograph better in black and white

Paul Ashworth
Managing Partner
"Success is measured differently for everyone. For me, it’s seeing both our clients and our people reach their goals through close personal guidance.”
John Clark
“What gives me most pride has been catalysing success for countless clients through these services, together with the application of logical and objective thought, regardless of accepted wisdom.”
Anne-Marie Tassoni
Partner - Private Wealth Management
“Managing personal finance is a complex puzzle. It’s an evolving process along different client journeys. With patience, empathy and specialist expertise, we help our clients piece together the puzzle.”
David Clark
Partner - Investment Management
“Pre-packaged strategies are not for us. With measured analysis, we spot the gold amongst the coal. It’s about recognising risk and identifying opportunities that deliver strong returns over time.”
Tristan Bowman
“Technology is changing our industry quickly. I see this as a benefit, helping us provide advice more efficiently. However, beyond the robots, our clients still want someone they can trust – an advisor that can see beyond the numbers and deliver sophisticated solutions.”
James Cummings
Associate Adviser
"My start in wealth management was a steep learning curve, coinciding with an unprecedented health and economic crisis. What quickly became apparent to me was that uncertain times exemplify the need for reliable, considered, personal advice and wealth management.”
William Fisher
Associate Adviser
“With my farming background, I understand the effort and perseverance it takes to build wealth, how important it is to preserve it and the carefully balanced approach required to further grow it.”
Eric Boesten
Associate Adviser
“Investment management is critical for financial security. Planning for the future through careful analysis allows for the achievement of consistent risk-adjusted returns over time, leading to financial freedom for our clients and their descendants.”
Matthew Nolan
Senior Analyst
“Investing is about much more than buy-and-hold strategies, it is navigating and managing risk over the long-term. Managing those downside risks ultimately protects a pool of wealth and is fundamental to client care.”
Cameron Gastin
Senior Analyst
“In an increasingly disassociated world focused on short-term outcomes, patience and diligence is crucial in ensuring financial wellbeing that lasts multiple generations.”
Tina Mancuso
Operations Administrator
“As a former small business owner, I understand the expectations and requirements of our clients. I place myself in their shoes, providing the kind of service that I, in return, would expect. Every client tells a story and being part of their journey is a privilege.”
Vanesa Sullivan
Marketing Specialist
“What I love about communication is that it empowers people to tell their stories. Working at Cameron Harrison and being able to connect with our clients along their journeys and delivering meaningful messages, gives me great pleasure.”

Contact Us

Level 17, North Tower, 80 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Postal Address
GPO Box 1559, Melbourne, VIC 3001

03 9655 5000


Cameron Harrison


Cameron Harrison

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