Peter and Helen's Wealth Journey
When Peter & Helen first approached us in 2004, it was with issues and concerns around a lack of integration, coordination and strategic advice across investment strategy, tax and structuring, and estate planning. Employed as managing director of an ASX20 company, Peter’s company did business with the investment bank, so they also managed their personal wealth. The same was true for tax and legal services. It was disparate, uncoordinated, and fundamentally lacked expertise in providing integrated & coordinated advice across investment, tax structuring and asset protection (with estate planning). With Peter & Helen, we agreed on a strategic plan which involved some difficult legacy issues, and this was implemented over two years.
The analyst back in 2004 who was involved in implementing the strategic plan is now the Partner who oversees Helen’s relationship with Cameron Harrison. There is a strong continuity in client relationship management. When Peter passed in 2015, much of the strategy established 10 years earlier was triggered, covering superannuation, testamentary trusts, asset protection and estate administration.