One + One + One > Three  
Wealth Management Solutions | Specialist Advice Solutions | Significant Wealth Owner Solutions

Anne-Marie Tassoni, Partner

We like to think of ourselves as playing coaches — on the court alongside you.
Posted 22 October 2020

This year will no doubt go down as one of the most challenging, responsive and innovative in the living memories of many. While humans are generally fairly resilient creatures, we are also very social ones, and our current restricted lifestyle has put into sharp focus the need and want for personal relationships. We have a quote we use often; “for us, relationships are everything”. Moreover, it’s about building real relationships that withstand the course of any curve-ball.

Now, more than ever, you want to feel assured that your affairs are being continually and closely managed. To deliver this with such attention and expertise takes more than just one person’s time and ‘know how’ – it takes a team of highly skilled specialists, led by a Partner.

Every client of Cameron Harrison is served by their own dedicated multi-faceted, three-person team. Our clients get to know the same three people assigned to their portfolio rather well. Most importantly, we get to know the client.

These teams are carefully constructed, representing complementary skills matched to each client’s needs, whether they be planning, strategic, investment, portfolio management or specialist advice. The team is trained and skilled to listen, understand, diligently execute and seamlessly manage the agreed elements to achieve each client’s wealth journey goals.

We have an obsession with the detail without apology, it’s what makes us different. In a quiet way, building trust and confidence is about attending to the detail. Over time this creates quality peace of mind investments, clients and friends. 

If you'd like to learn more about our approach to private wealth management, please reach out. We'd be delighted to hear from you. Please contact us on +613 9655 5000. 

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Photo by Matteo Vistocco