The year to 30 June 2021 was one where we experienced the full impact of COVID and the consequent responses across fiscal & monetary policy, corporates, households and financial markets. As private investment managers for over 25 years, we are seasoned at interpreting and managing short-term events through a long-term capital prism.
As we have noted variously over the last 15 months, in a significant way we view COVID as having quickened trends and processes that were already on-foot; some positive (technology, communication, productivity, maybe fiscal stimulus), others less positive (wholesale government intervention, property price inflation, more people in less developed nations slip back into poverty, nationalism, China 'wolf warrior' diplomacy & economic actions). Importantly, where investors stopped looking through the long term prism, either by ill-timed market exit or chasing the tail of short term trends, they invariably underperformed, and by a significant margin. This also has implications for investors current asset class positioning moving forward.
The performance of our multi-asset strategy over the last 12 months is illustrated in Figure 1. This shows Cameron Harrison's Core Dynamic Strategy ranking at No 1 when compared with the Chant West Survey of the Top 10 Performing Balanced Funds to 30 June 2021. That said, our investment thinking and hence returns will sometimes encounter periods of headwinds brought about by short term shifts, trends or fads. It is the experience of looking through a long term capital prism that provides the analytical fortitude and strength of process which provides the strong base for long term returns.