Baseball is America’s favourite past-time. In Australia, it’s property prices.
We observe some initial evidence that housing prices might have bottomed out (refer to house prices in graph 1) and that property activity has improved (see clearance rates in graph 1). Employment data has also been strong. Both these outcomes provide some welcome relief to households in the form of stabilisation of their household wealth and confidence in their ongoing employment. To be sure, all policy levers have had to do some gargantuan lifting to deliver these 'green shoots'. These policy actions have been in the form of:
the cash rate being positioned to go below 1% (having recently dropped 50 basis points to 1%)
election promise cash hand-outs now being delivered to those that have a propensity to spend
APRA announcement on changes to banks assessment of loan serviceability
sustained infrastructure spending by the States
sustained population growth and household formation